Thierry Noiret

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Past exhibitions and
agenda of the ones to come





 No exhibition in 2020 before Septembre






Images and feelings from the past Exhibitions


























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·    Collective exhibition – Feb. 3 to 14 2016 : - L’ART du Rose - Galerie L'artiste - 1121 de Bellechasse, Montréal, QC, H2S 1Y5


                        2-Rose-Bleu_19-janvier  Copie de Roses never die  Fleur ou couleur  IMG_2169                                           



·         September 1st to 6 - L’ART ABSTRAIT - Galerie L'artiste - 1121 de Bellechasse, Montréal, QC, H2S 1Y5

                         Ontario Stopover  Escale Bosphore  Escale Venise                    


·    Collective exhibition – July 15 to 26 2015 : InVRAIsemblable - L’Art ABSTRAIT, Galerie l'espace contemporain - 5175 av. Papineau, Montréal, QC, H2H 1W1 :

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·     Collective exhibition - MYSTIQUE, Galerie l'espace contemporain - 5175 av. Papineau, Montréal, QC, H2H 1W1 (April 17) :


              Fichier 2015-04-18 19 01 18    Fichier 2015-04-18 19 00 48


·    September 26 -28: I took part in the Montreal Culture Days event with 1 20-20” painting made for the event - Galerie l’Artiste - 1121 de Bellechasse


·    Participation in the exhibition : RÊVE ET IMAGINAIRE at the Galerie l'Artiste (September 7) :

 Castello rosso.JPG Escale Bosphore.JPG Expo Reve Imaginaire.JPG Intimite.JPG Ligne du temps.JPG

·         Participation in the exhibition: ESPACE  URBAIN at the Galerie l'Artiste  (August 3) :


              1507584_893345344012265_2477513899995911075_n.jpg                             1653727_895743803772419_3599593468206351947_n.jpg                           Bruxelles 1.jpg                    

              La merveille.JPG                                 Tre mar.JPG                                     10532544_895743930439073_5070743725885963234_n.jpg                                               

·         Participation in the Exhibition Complètement Fou/ Totally Crazy at the Galerie l'Artiste (July 5)

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·   Solo exhibition LIMINAIRES at the Galerie l'Artiste - 1121 de Bellechasse (Private view March 15)

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      ·   January 2014: Abstract landscape exhibition (2008-2011) at the bakery Autour d’un pain

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      ·    November 2013, 1 new painting for the event Babill’Art at the Galerie l'Artiste 
      Bottom right :




     ·   September 2013, I took part with very revent abstract work in the exhibition L'Art Abstrait at the Garerie l'Artiste

IMG_0962      IMG_0961      IMG_0954     IMG_0959     L'art Abstrait


·    July 2013, exhibition of the Abstractions and Textures series (2011-2012) at the Café/Déjeuners l'Apothicaire

IMG_0604  Expo apothicaire Affiche2b SP1210437        IMG_0612        IMG_0611     


 ·   May 2013, exhibition of the Musical Landscapes (2009-2011) at the bakery Autour d'un Pain

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